“Any man can rise to be a hero during the extraordinary, but it takes true strength and endurance to live with joy during the ordinary parts of our lives while doing the ordinary things we don’t want to do. Being a hero has clear-cut purpose, glory, and there’s the power in all of us to rise to the occasion no matter how demanding it may be, yet so few of us have the strength in Christ to praise Him with a joyous heart during our everyday lives,”
Judy Ann Allison Echols, my Mother 10/25/12
My other blogs are:
My Christianity Site Outline with LinksSECTION 1: Truly Following, Living, and Dying
For Jesus Christ As We Are Called To
- Wonder and Perish: A Poem About Christ's Grace
- Faith for Those Who Worry
- Christ is the Everlasting GOD: Jack Van Impe Defending Christ Against Islam
- BASICS OF CHRISTIANITY: The Bread and Water of the Disciples of Christ
- Being a Christian: What Does That Even Entail?
- How to Minister to Others: No PhD Required!
- Humility: God's Grace Revealed in Your Heart
- Christ is GOD: Why Allah Is A Liar
- Christ Died For You, But Will You Die For Him?
- Giving Up Your Life for Christ Is Mandatory
- Waiting For the Lord: God's Grace and the Virtue of Patience
- Are You Going to Heaven When You Die?
- Wanting Heaven and Wanting Christ: Is There a Difference?
- A Brief Lesson In Humility: Humans Are Sheep
- How to Pray and What to Pray For: A Prayer List for Every Day
- Faith: Improve Your Relationship with God in 10 Minutes Flat!
- A Casual Walk Through 1 John
- Spending Time with Christ: Where Is Christ in Your Schedule?
- The Christian Heart: The Center of All Goodness and House of the Spirit
- Christ's Love: What People Are Missing
- Truth or Dare: Realizing the Love of Christ
In Christ's Name
- A New Perspective on Fear: Faithlessness Revealed
- To Wield a Lie: the Sword of Satan vs the Morning Star
- Christian's Loving Unconditionally: Reaching Out to the World
- Why Evil Is Allowed: The Reason Sin, Death, and Suffering Remained After Adam and Eve
- Suffering for Christ: Humans Learning to Be Lambs
- Satan: The Corrupted Dawn Star, The Endtimes and Purpose of Sin
Pornography, and Addictions
SECTION 7: Endtimes